Groundwater Sampling & NATA Accredited Analysis

Water Management Australia has over 40 years experience with groundwater sampling & NATA accredited analysis.

We don’t know what other businesses charge for groundwater sampling & NATA accredited analysis, but our customers tell us it is significantly more than our pricing for the same work. We are able to charge far less for our services due to the high volume of sampling and testing we perform.

Groundwater sampling & NATA accredited analysis requires special expertise and must be undertaken by appropriately experienced personnel.

Groundwater level measurements are essential to determine groundwater and contaminant flow directions and rates within aquifers.

Purging may be required to remove stagnant water from a bore before sampling to ensure a representative sample of the water is obtained.

Groundwater parameters measured in the field may include: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, redox potential, conductivity & turbidity.

If you require a quotation for your groundwater sampling & analysis, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 08 8557 4347 or